18 November 2007

"As Time Goes By" la da di da di da

In the final days of my off season, it has been a time to think of the possibilities for next year, set some goals and well…relax for a bit. But I am revving to go. For the past three weeks I have been running a certain amount of runs, cycling a certain amount of rides and swimming...well you've got the idea. Nothing to strenuous, just remembering the motions.

I just finished watching "Sleepless in Seatle." It is the first time I have seen it in it's entirety. There are a number of things that I love about this movie!! First of the plot is the classic love story. The basic question is, "What if someone you never met, someone you never saw, someone you never knew was the only someone for you?" Second, it gives hope to the romantics out there and third it has cemented a bit of a dream to live in a house boat. As seen in this music video with film from the movie. If you are interested in the song itself, it is "'Boston' by Augustana" (kind of a nice song isn't it?

Well if you have yet to see this movie, please do and enjoy,
ciao for now,

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