5 August 2009

Still Fighting.

En Garde! (Austin and I)
Preparations are going well.
I am learning about myself mentally and physically. Mentally because training is hard, nothing more mentally beneficial then working yourself to your breaking point then expecting more. Physical because I have been doing these V02 Max tests. I have had quite a few Maximal efforts as of late. Some solid track sessions and hard work on the bike. The big highlight on the bike would be Hurrican Ridge, where I rode up in 53.37. Exceding my goal of sub 55. I would however like to give it another go with what I know now of it and since I am over my cold. My milage on the bike has gone up with plenty of moto pacing. (planned or not...he he he)
I had the absolute pleasure of having Sarah-anne Brault as my billet during the visit from Team Manitoba. So that was fun, I hope she didn't mind my attempt at cooking.
Well I continue my build into Nationals this week with some solid sessions. Lots of running mileage and hard efforts on both the bike and the run. Yesterdays efforts on the bike with a well motivated pack of riders and todays efforts on the Lochside trail.
In and out of the sporting world, life has been treating me well, with regards to many adventures with the sea. Last week a friend and I walked along the lower ledge of the peer as the ocean waves crashed over our heads. Ended up soaked but what an adventure.
Although for now, my adventures will have to remain in my dreams as I call it a night and hit the hay.
Hope all is well with you out there,
Ciao for now,
Andrew McCartney
Here is something new:
Misstress Barbara feat. Sam Roberts - "I'm Running"

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